Homeward Hero – Alethea

Volunteers can wear many hats.
Alethea has adopted from us, donated to us, helps out with cats, dogs, offsite events, onsite events and facilities and now is one of our fabulous foster moms!
In Alethea’s own words:
I adopted my first cat at what was then Hooterville, back in 1998. Ever since, I occasionally donated but it wasn’t until I was laid off a couple of years ago and couldn’t find another job that I decided to volunteer. It seemed like the perfect match — I am bonkers about animals and I only live a mile away so I can get some exercise walking to my shift.
I have been volunteering for 1 and 1/2 years now. My regular gig is taking care of the cats in the intake and isolation rooms but when I’m done there (you can only give cats so much attention before they tire of you) I go love on all the dogs (who can never get enough attention!). I also occasionally take dogs to the groomer, have given dogs short kennel breaks, filled in multiple shifts during the snow storm last winter, because I could walk to get there, and since we lost our cat a couple of months ago, have begun cat fostering. We LOVE doing that—each cat has such a different personality and I know it helps the staff get a read on how the animals behave when they aren’t in the shelter environment. And with a last name like Foster, it seemed like a natural fit!
Thank you so much Alethea! We appreciate all you do!
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