Age Ain’t Nothin’ But a Number

If you tell Sassafras she’s 14 years old, she will quickly prove to you that age is just a number. In fact, she may even sing that throwback tune “age ain’t nuthin’ but a number.” Throw a ball for her (bouncy ones are her favorite) and watch how quickly she moves. She’ll sprint right after that toy like a mighty wind. And bonus – she brings the toy back to you! If you adopt Sassafras, fetch will be a fun part of your daily routine.
When she’s got her fetching time in, and her workout is done for the day, Sassafras loves lounging about and being a lazy ball of fluff. She delights in climbing into laps and snoozing for hours on end. Add in a blanket and a fireplace so that she’s extra cozy, and she could stay there all day!
Sassafras would love to have a relaxing and calm home without other cats or dogs where she gets all the love and attention to herself. She’s worth every ounce of your devotion. She’s also looking for a home with just teens and adults.
If you’re ready to play fetch and cuddle with the chicest cat around, come visit with Sassafras today!