Lending a Helping Hand

Homeward Pet’s commitment to our community doesn’t stop with helping homeless animals; we also dedicate ourselves to serving our community’s pets. Two days this past month brought our neighbors to our door: Free Microchip Day and complimentary vet visits from Bothell Care Day.
Just prior to Fourth of July—the day where pets are most likely to escape their homes due to fireworks and other commotion—we welcomed cats and dogs for a free day of microchipping. It’s a simple procedure that takes just a couple of minutes for years of peace of mind. Since microchips can never be separated from a pet, we consider it the best form of identification, helping distraught families reunite with their pets quicker. We know because we’ve seen it more than a few times. The pug below was found by a kind neighbor miles from home, who brought him to Homeward Pet in hopes of finding his owner. Thanks to his microchip, he was reunited with his distressed family within 24 hours.

Thanks to his microchip, this pug was reunited with his family within 24 hours!
By the end of Free Microchip Day, our busy clinic staff had microchipped a stunning 65 cats and dogs!
But our community care didn’t stop there. For several years, we’ve attended Bothell Care Day, a gathering of resources for individuals in need. There, we provide vouchers for free vet exams, and we’re happy to report that 26 pets visited us.
Dr. Jenny Brown, our clinic assistant, Anna, and clinic volunteers saw 18 dogs and 8 cats. Dr. Jenny prescribed medications for allergies, ear infections, arthritis and other ailments to give these animals happier and healthier lives in the care of their devoted families.
These two days aren’t the only ways we provide for our community; learn more about our pet food bank, low-cost spay and neuter clinic, Last Litter program, and microchipping services. We’re thrilled to continue to help our neighbors in whatever ways we can!