Making Buddies and Breaking Records at the Fur Ball

Last Saturday, the cats and dogs of Homeward Pet took center stage. As the deep blue lights shone on the stage and canopy lights graced the auction tables, guests knelt to scratch shelter pups behind the ears. Tiny mews and purrs sounded from the Kitten Cuddle Corner. The Spirit Roulette wheel spun; old friends reconnected and new partnerships formed. Bidding “buddies” held their bid cards together in grand displays of teamwork and generosity toward a common purpose.
Faraz and Cooper, whose story you can watch below, charmed us all with their sincerity and inspired us to live life to its fullest.

The Kitten Cuddle Corner was a purrfect spot for guests to take a rest with furry friends
All of these things made the 2018 Fur Ball one of the most memorable we’ve ever had—and the most successful to date. You and your fellow animal lovers raised more than $472,000 to benefit the cats and dogs of Homeward Pet. These generous gifts will provide nearly 2,000 animals this year with compassionate care, both medical and behavioral. Inside our walls, tripod dogs learn to walk, then run; shy cats gain confidence to accept pets from kind hands; and newborn kittens and puppies receive round-the-clock care.
This level of dedication to our animals is possible only with your continued support and the strength of the community you’ve built. We look forward to sharing triumphant stories of animals from all walks of life overcoming the obstacles on their way to health and happiness. Thank you again for your unwavering commitment to homeless pets.
Check out photos from the WAG photo booth here. Couldn’t make it but still want to make a difference in the lives of animals like Cooper? Make a gift today.