Thank you for reading & accepting the following agreement before continuing with registration.
In consideration of your acceptance of my participation in the Happy Tails Wine Walk event to be held on Saturday, September 7, 2019, at Woodinville Hollywood Wine District, located in Woodinville, WA, I hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless all employees and volunteers, including their administrators, successors, heirs and assigns, of Homeward Pet Adoption Center, of Woodinville, WA, and its Board of Directors, including their administrators, successors, heirs and assigns, from and against all liability for any and all incidents which arise or occur during my participation in the Happy Tails Wine Walk event.
I agree to obey all traffic laws, to exercise all safety precautions, to avoid littering, to respect the property of others, to have my dog(s) on leash at all times, to maintain control of my dog(s) at all times, and to pick up after my dog(s). I also give full permission for the use of my name and any photographs or video taken in connection with this event.
I have read and agree to the above agreement.